Should You Pre-Sell Your Online Course?

Should you create your course content all at once before you sell it? Or is it better to pre-sell the course to your audience and create the content as you go?⁣

Let's break this down further because both strategies work. There are pros and cons to each and depending on what your personal priorities are, you may be drawn to one or the other.⁣


𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙨: You know exactly what to focus on when you're marketing since your content is ready, you can focus all your energy on executing your launch strategy, you can batch types of course content creation for efficiency.⁣

𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙨: You may miss the mark if you don't do enough market research ahead of time and end up wasting your efforts, you may get stuck in course creation paralysis and stall out before you launch. ⁣


𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙨: You can capitalize on a captive audience to pre-sell your course to fund your course creation, you can validate your course idea if it's a new offer to your audience, you can space out your course content creation tasks so they aren't so overwhelming, you can adjust your content as you go.⁣

𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙨: You may get overwhelmed trying to build and launch your course at the same time, little room for error if you get behind on content creation, you might find it difficult to market if your topic isn't dialed in well enough, you may end up confusing your audience if the content varies too much from the original promise. ⁣

Both methods are really effective as long as you have a plan going in to prevent those cons from sneaking up on you. I help my clients build courses using both strategies and sometimes a hybrid of the two! The goal should always be to create a powerful experience for your students while not completely overwhelming for you. ⁣

Are you planning on using one of these strategies for an upcoming launch? 🙋⁣


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3 Questions To Ask When Creating An Online Course